
Nothing to add

I know what I have been up to this past week....

This will most likely be the Before Photo

and this, will definitely be the After Photo.

Don't think I have anything else to add...


Anonymous said...

Why don't you tell us what you've been up to?

Anonymous said...

I plan on getting up to just the same thing the minute I get the energy.
I want to know what you have been up to as well.

Raven Red said...


There is a slight problem with that...I know what I have been up to, but I am still building up courage to inform HIM, because I know what the consequences will be. I am so NOT ready for the Before and After photos yet..(GRIN)

Raven Red said...


I have found out that sometimes no energy needs to be wasted to get up to things. It sort of just happens, without MY knowledge..erm..really..

Well, I already informed him of my latest escapade with out lovely collective taxi drivers, and he was sweet enough to be understanding. However, seeing that it is still relatively fresh in his mind....timing, it is all in the timing.

He does seem to equate my temper bouts with strangers with a deathwish syndrome. So, if I tell you that I deliberately drove right on the tail of some idiot that received his driving lisence out of a lucky packet, and that it might have been at quite a bit of speed, and for quite a bit of time...he might not take to kindly to it....


Anonymous said...

"It sort of just happens, without MY knowledge..erm..really.."

What sort of happens? I like that you always confess when confronted. You just need people to confront.

Brett said...

What you did sounds dangerous. I think it must be addressed. Your safety is not to be taken lightly.


Raven Red said...

Dear A

Believe it or not, I do tend to confess my "sins" actually without even being confronted. I AM the world's worst liar and have the unique ability to look quilty only thinking about doing something that I should not.

At the same time, I also do have the talent of landing myself up in trouble quite easily...sadly mostly due to my abundance in the temper department.

Raven Red said...


I am of the firm opinion that South African drivers are some of the best in the world:
We negotiate around collective taxi's that will come to a dead stop anywhere, at any time (including highways/motorways), Drivers create extra lanes where there are no lanes,
Truck and bus drivers that hold their own competisions about who is the fastes, with no regard that they have pulled out in front of you only driving at 40km an hour, and you have been driving at the allowed speed of 120km/h,
Idiots on cellphones,
Avoiding potholes (you can even take out insurance against tyres being damaged by potholes),
Non-functioning traffic lights where people might or might not stop (including the person behind you) etc etc

The incident above? He created another lane, where there was no lane (except the oncoming traffic), sandwiching me very nicely between himself and a heavy duty truck...

The reality - if he had an accident with the oncoming traffic, I would have been involved.
If I did not manage to get the attention of the truck driver - who then went off the road to make allowance for me - I would have been in an accident.

dd said...

So, obviously self preservation, no need for any recriminations then, Raven.

Raven Red said...

erm..dd, problem was, I am sure I did not have to follow him for about 10 kilometres...

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Raven Red by Raven Red is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.